Winterize your life!
Well, maybe not your life but certainly your home and vehicles. With October ushering in an early snow event this year (hello snowy trick or treating) it’s bound to be a long, cold winter season. Prepare yourself and your belongings the best you can with these winterization and safety tips.
Clean Your Gutters
With temperatures plummeting ice forms (and falls) quickly. Cleaning out leaves and debris from your gutters at the beginning of the season will prevent icicles and ice dams forming later.
Window Insulation Film
Listen, we know it’s not all that fashionable, but it you have single-pane or a drafty window not only are you looking at a cold winter sitting on the couch, you’re also likely staring down a costly utility bill. You may want to consider breaking out the hairdryer and putting some plastic film in place for the coldest months. The difference could be dramatically warmer and cheaper!
Change Your Furnace Filters
Now that you’re going to be spending considerably more time inside, running your furnace, change the air filter. It will save you money and also it’s good for your health.
Check Your Fireplace
Before you build the first fire of the season have a professional out to service and clean the chimney. It’s not uncommon for them to become obstructed with an animal nest or an abundance of creosote build-up.
Now that your house is in order, let's talk about what you can do to prepare your vehicle for freezing temperatures and cold weather driving.
Slow Down
I know it sounds so simple but how many times have you been on autopilot to and from work and the next thing you know you’re driving way too fast for the road conditions. Winter is the time of black ice and good time to take your foot off the accelerator.
Check Your Tire Tread and Tire Pressure
If you’ve known in the back of your head it’s time to change out your tires, make this a priority before the mercury drops lower. There’s no better way to make it home safely than to have four good tires carrying you home.
Check Your Battery
Your battery, an intregral key to the wellness of your car. Cold temperatures can zap an already old or low battery in the blink of an eye. To prevent breakdowns and side of the road mishaps spend the money and update old batteries ahead of time.
Stock Your Car
Not only with gas in the tank and oil under the hood, which are also important, but also with emergency supplies. You never know when you’re going to get caught on the side of the road in the middle of a crazy blizzard. Having an extra layer of clothes, something to eat, and water to drink can be a total game changer. Check out this list to see the other things you also might consider having on hand this winter.